1. Communicating authors of the Accepted Abstracts are required to submit Full-Length Paper and 2-Page Extended Abstract.
2. Full-Length Paper & 2-Page Extended Abstract must be submitted in Portable Document Format (*.pdf)
3. Authors are essentially required to use one of the following templates for preparation of both the documents:
Latex Template MS-Word Template
4. The individual size of any file should not exceed 10 MB.
5. The file containing 2-Page Extended Abstract must have exactly two pages.
6. There is no word limit or page limit for Full-Length Paper but preferably, authors can keep around 10 pages.
7. Please DO NOT use any password in the two files for restriction on opening, editing or printing.
8. The images used in both the documents should be of high quality with (preferably) 600dpi of resolution. The aspect ratio of graphs and images should be maintained as per the original.
9. Copyright materials (text, graphs, images etc.) should not be included in the documents without permission from copyright holders.
10. Authors are advised to strictly adhere to the format used in the above templates for preparation of both the documents.
11. Few selected papers will be published in the special issue of the
International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science and Mechanics (IJCMESM) or
International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics after the peer-review process.
12. "Submission of a full length paper is not mandatory. Participants may submit the extended abstract only (In that case, attach the extended abstract in place of full-length paper)."