Abstracts cannot contain more than 2500 characters in the main body of the abstract.
A. Do not delete the blank line immediately above the abstract.
B. ‘Abstract’-Times New Roman BOLD, ITALIC, 10 pt.
C. Abstract Text:
- Text should be written in Times New Roman 9 pts.
- The abstract should be self-contained. Do not cite references in the abstract.
- Paragraph - Line Spacing- Single
‘Keywords’-Times New Roman BOLD, ITALIC, 10 pt.
Keywords Text:
- Text should be written Times New Roman 9 pts.
- Add about four keywords or phrases in alphabetical order, separated by commas.
- Paragraph - Line Spacing- Single
D. Page margins: 17.8 mm (Top), 17.8 mm (Bottom), 16.5 mm (Left) and 16.5 mm (Right).
E. Each column width is 88.9 mm and separation between the columns is 5.1 mm.
You can use the
template for abstract submission.